Monday, February 6, 2012

Page 1, Brave Benny's Animal Alphabet Book: Alligators

Slightly revised
Benny and the Alligator, by Mary Stebbins Taitt
I signed up for the next round of the sketchbook project, and since I am planning to take out the horrid paper it comes with, I decided to start right away.  (I ordered a book, but it has not come yet).  I am planning to make a book for my Grandson Frankie, And I painted this in gouache on colored paper.  Looking at it now, I think I might need to work on it a little more. (e.g.:  the shading on the neck and I forgot to paint the fingernails!).  I want to keep it very simple.  Painting the words was VERY difficult for me, my hands are not that steady.  I may try a different "font" style, though that would lead to inconsistencies.

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